Did You Know…

Chiropractic Education VS Medical Education  Chiropractors go through an immense amount of schooling to receive a "Doctor of Chiropractic" degree  (also known as a D.C.). Their collegiate agenda is as follows:  – Graduate from a four year college.  – Completing at least two years undergraduate study, with a focus on the sciences.  – Four years of Chiropractic Education.  – Take mandatory internships.  – At least 900 hours of work in a Chiropractic Clinic.  – After graduating, pass written and oral board exams, at national and state levels.  A Chiropractor may opt to choose to advance their degree in an area of specialty.  These areas include: Chiropractic neurology, radiology, sports medicine, as well as many other fields. Chiropractic Education         VS         Medical Education  Class Room Hours 520 Anatomy 508  420 Physiology 326  271 Pathology 335  300 Chemistry 325  114 Bacteriology 130  370 Diagnosis 374  320 Neurology 112  217 X-Ray 148  65 Psychiatry 144  65 Obstetrics & Gynecology 198  225 Orthopedics 156  2,887 TOTAL HOURS 2,756                Adjusting, Kinesilogy, Nutirition, Technique                                 Pharmacology, Immunology, Surgery 4,485 GRAND TOTAL CLASS HOURS 4,248...
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Chiropractic Philosophy…

Chiropractic is based on helping the body maintain wellness by keeping the nerve system free and clear from interference or blockages caused when the bones of the spine become out of alignment, AKA a spinal subluxation.  Looking at the whole person means taking care of the soul, body and spirit, and realizing that the condition of the whole person influences how the body functions, maintains and heals itself. Chiropractic philosophy incorporates the following: 1.Care is person-centered with a hands on approach. 2. The Nerve System is central to the health and function of the entire body. 3. Close monitoring initially is paramount to help build momentum in the body and important to overall success. 4. Understanding structure and function are closely related and the ideal approach to care is more than eliminating symptoms but supporting the body's structure and function. 5. Early intervention is key before patterns set in and are established.  An infant responds quicker than a child than an adult than an adult in the 'later' years. 6. Emphasis is on alignment of the spine to assist in the balance of structure and function until opportunity to recuperate is possible, and hopefully avoiding unnecessary medications or surgery. Even Hippocrates, 450 BC, the father of medicine said "look to the spine for the cause of disease."...
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Goodbye to Headaches… You DON’T have to live with headaches anymore!

Headaches affect 8 out of 10 adults. Some common causes are: diet, medications, hormone imbalances, weather changes, allergies, injury like whiplash, repetitive strain movements as with some exercises, muscular tension, poor posture, and stress.  Some uncommon causes are infections like meningitis and brain tumors. The uncommon causes often have other symptoms that are present. It is important to rule out the uncommon from the common causes. The tension, whiplash, posture, stress, repetitive strain movements, and migraine type headaches make up the majority of headaches and often respond well to Chiropractic care because adjustments are aimed at restoring alignment and movement in the spine and the neck.   The International Headache Society (IHS) has long maintained that Abnormal movement of the joints in the neck can lead to headaches.  It is well accepted that head pain can be caused by the irritation or inflammation of the nerves in the neck.  It makes sense to correct structural problems that contribute to headaches with a structural solution.  The research team with Duke University Evidence-Based Practice Center agrees!  They reviewed the literature addressing the safety and effectiveness of treating headaches. They found spinal manipulation (aka spinal adjustments) to be the one procedure with proven effectiveness for cervicogenic (neck-based) headaches. The Duke University study highlighted the two distinct advantages of spinal adjustments over medication.  First, spinal care targets the source of pain rather than just controlling symptoms, and second, it's safe! Another study, funded by the U.S.. National Institutes of health, showed that neck related headaches were reduced through spinal adjustments by more than half, in just four weeks.  And Improvements were still present six months later! That's good news. Imagine no more vice-like tension headaches, pressure at the base of your head, or migraines that take over your day.  Chiropractic spinal adjustments have a proven track record, whatever the cause, to improve structure and function that often gets rid of the headache. I see the results daily. Those I adjust experience the results and benefits. Having this information is part of the equation. Doing what it takes is the half that matters most.  If you hare having headaches I hope you give me the opportunity to see if I can help you and make you one of those that say goodbye to your...
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“Neck Adjustments”…safe and effective

It's the end of the day.  You hope to relax after a hard day at work. However, before long, you are aware that your hand is now cradling your neck.  That spot! Right there! That tender, relentless, painful area of your neck- you know exactly where it is! You are not alone: 70% of people experience neck pain (lower back pain is 90% and headaches are at 80%).  You may be tempted to pop a pill when you're in pain! Because your comfort and your well being matter to me, I want you to be informed and know the potential risks associated with pain medications and neck adjustments based on evidence. Chiropractic adjustments correct mechanical problems that can cause neck pain and stiffness. Pain medications don't correct the underlying mechanical cause of your pain. Pain medications can give temporary relief but it can not correct structural problems such as posture and alignment and movement of the neck. Most people don't think twice when it comes to taking Over The Counter (OTC) pain relievers such as Advil, Motrin, Aleve, or Bayer…or prescription Celebrex. Yet, These are just a handful of Non Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs) that are implicated in some 33,000 deaths every year- mainly from internal bleeding! The FDA warns that NSAIDs can also increase the risk of hypertension, heart attack and stroke. Tylenol (aka acetaminophen) poisoning is ranked 5th on the fatal Adverse Drug Reaction list, exceeding all other causes of liver failure in the U.S..  It is found in more than 600 medications, including prescription drugs like Vicodin and OTC Sudafed. Accidental overdose can occur when someone takes Nyquil for the cold, Benadryl for allergies, and Tylenol for chronic arthritis exceeding the recommended dose. Risks are even greater with prolonged use combined with alcohol consumption.  Aside from mortality risk, prescription painkillers can impair your judgment and lead to falls and severe injuries. On the other hand, the Annals of Internal Medicine, published the National Institutes of Health study and found that after 12 weeks of Chiropractic care, patients were more than twice as likely to be pain free as those relying on medical care. Another study published in the Journal of Manipulative Therapy reports, that for some types of neck problems, there is "quality evidence that immediate improvements are obtained from a single spinal adjustment."  Every person and neck problem is unique and depending on your condition, it may take a series of visits for optimal results. Another study based...
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Proof Positive Posture Matters.

Did you know the average head ways the same as a bowling ball?  Imagine carrying a 16 pound bowling ball around all day.  Now instead of carrying it close to your body carry out away from your body.  It's not so easy.  That's exactly what happens when your head posture is forward or backward or tilted to one side even if 1 degree. A forward head posture can add up to 30 pounds of tension on the back of the neck and the shoulders.  This will also create imbalances along your entire spine. Faulty posture can certainly lead to an unattractive appearance, loss of height, drooping shoulders, and a sagging chest.  But healthy posture isn't just about looking good. Rene Cailliet, MD, previously a clinical professor with the University of Southern California School of Medicine, warns that slouching can place tremendous stress on your spine causing a loss of energy, affecting your chest and lung capacity by as much as 30%, and adversely affect your bowel function. In chiropractic we have a saying, as the tree is bent so it grows.  As a hunched position becomes your "norm", your muscles adapt to a poorly aligned spine. Then they don't stretch like they once did because of muscle memory! Shortened muscles and ligaments become stiff and painful, creating a dysfunction of your spinal joints. This poor posture can lead to headaches, back pain, shoulder, hip, knee and ankle pain. A recent study, at Queen Mary Hospital in Hong Kong, looked at the relationship between forward head posture, neck pain, and disability.  Researchers found that the greater the forward head posture, the greater the neck related disability. A consistent program of Chiropractic care can help "retrain" your supportive soft tissues to hold your neck joints in proper positions. Restoring head, neck and spinal posture is a process. It is easy to check posture and the sooner it is addressed the sooner and often easier it is to make corrections.  I would be honored to look at your posture and let you know what my trained eyes see.  You won't have to undress and the procedure is painless.  When completed you will have a baseline and more importantly what can be done to correct...
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13 Reasons To Get Your Spine Checked On A Regular Basis

1. MORE ENERGY The vital energy that runs your body comes from the brain, travels over the nerves and gives vitality to your body.  Logic says that if that energy is interfered with, your body will not work at its fullest potential. 2. CLEARER THINKING, CONCENTRATION AND ENERGY Did you ever have a day when your mind was extra sharp, thoughts and ideas come quickly or your memory was especially good? Ever have just the opposite type of day?  Well, your body chemistry determines to a great extent your ability to think, concentrate and remember. Body chemistry is controlled by your nerve system and your nerve system works better without any interference. 3. LESS STRESS How can getting adjusted make your job easier or cause your kids to give you less problems? Well it cannot.  But there is a difference between adversity and stress.  Adversities are the circumstances of life.  You cannot change them.  Stress is the inability to handle those adversities.  How well your body is working will determine to some degree how much adversity you can handle and how much stress you have in your life. 4. A LONGER LIFE Here is a reason based on logic.  All things being equal, you will live longer if you take care of yourself, barring any unforeseen trauma, of course.  Part of taking care of yourself means keeping your nerve system free of interference due to spinal misalignments also called vertebral subluxations. 5. MORE SLEEP All sleep is not the same.  Just because you get 10 hours does not mean you are getting the kind of rest you need. At different times, we have all awakened refreshed, sluggish or tired from the same amount of sleep.  How well your body is working will determine how much of your sleep is real sleep and not just "down time". 6. GREATER VALUE FROM YOUR WORKOUT We all need to exercise regularly.  Some of us do not have the energy to get up off the couch and begin a workout although that is an issue we have already addressed.  Some of us have an interference in the nerve system that keeps the muscles of our body from receiving a full complement of vital energy.  It is like trying to exercise a paralyzed muscle.  There is not enough energy going to those muscles.  That is what happens when there is interference in the nerve system due to vertebral subluxation. 7....
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